Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Re-creating your Brochure

Each year can be a very different business year. Markets change, trends come and go and of course, your brochure printing and deployment must change to adapt.

This means that for every year, you should at least take a second look at your goals for brochure printing and you should adjust them for the better for the coming year. Let me give you a few new ideas on how to adjust and rethink your goals with regards to your print brochures. Who knows? Maybe changing your objectives might actually help you create better brochures with a better impact.

• Rethinking your target market – Sometimes it is good to reassess and see if your target market is indeed your target market. Consumer demographics and trends change all the time and what you think was once your primary target demographics might be different from what you knew.

For example, you might always target the higher classes with your luxury gadgets. However, new studies may prove that men from the middle and higher classes are the ones that are more attracted to your products this year. This change in market environment requires a change in your brochure design strategy. As such, it is important to always reassess your target market and change your color brochure designs accordingly.

• Rethinking your distribution strategy – You should also try to rethink about your distribution strategy and goals. Do you want total coverage to get the broadest impact for your print brochures? On the other hand, do you want limited but targeted coverage to the consumers that most count? These kinds of goals can change from year to year and it will merit a redesign if you change. Thus, always see what seems like a better goal for this year and adjust your distribution strategy to accommodate it. This can really help improve your performance for the coming year.

• Rethinking your brochure designs – Finally, you should always try to rethink and adjust your goals in terms of designs. The mood of the market and the direction of your company image can change year after year. You might want your brochures to look professional, formal in on year, or wild, dynamic, and vibrant the next. Depending on the current market environment, rethinking these design goals can have a great impact on your business' success for the next year. So make sure you are study all the signs well and think really hard about the changes you want for your brochure designs and the image it represents.

Great! By rethinking your brochure goals every year, you can better respond to the changing situation in your specific market. You will be more competitive and you will come out quite ahead if you do this rethinking periodically. Good Luck!
By Kaye Z Marks

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