Sunday, June 20, 2010

Advertise and Influence

It's amazing how some people believe that by just throwing together a bit of clip art and a few letters into creating an advert is going to attract the consumers attention. They happily send their creation off to the newspaper/magazine to display for all the world to see, and wonder why they had little feedback or even none at all.

OK, maybe what they have to sell is a product that can "sell itself", however if that is the case, the advert should then be even more impressive, to "stamp the authority"
of their product.

A well designed advert is a visual statement!

Using a professional designer to design your ad is not as expensive as some people might think. A good designer will add life and impact to the advert that is required to influence the consumers' decision to purchase your product, which will be worth far more than what you actually spent!

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